6.3 Animal Roulette Expanded by Hundezahn.5.7 Dynamic signs by Iben, Thom & others.5.6 Delete Zoo Entrance by various creators.5.5 Invisible elevated path by various creators.4.9 Countries of the World by Tamara Henson & others.4.8 Crocodylia by HENDRIX & Zerosvalmont.4.7 Fauna del Mundo Remake by Zerosvalmont.4.6 Wild New World by Zerosvalmont & others.
4.4 American Adventures by -JimmyzHoopz.4.1 Complete Collection by Aurora Designs.3.3 Shoehorned Dillo Remakes by Dedennedillo.3.1.1 Radical Remake Patch by Anabeille, Lgcfm, Megraptor & Mjmannella.1.5 Biome Brush Size Hacks by various creators.1.4 Skip Intro Movies Hacks by various creators.